Wow, time really hasn't gone that fast from my perspective but nonetheless I'm almost 40 weeks pregnant. We have been more and more excepting of her each day and she has just grown in our hearts. I don't feel her moving as much now that there is so little room in there for her but she still wiggles her little hips (making my belly bend and bump as if there is an alien inside) to let me know she's in there. We've got the bags packed, the diaperbag, carseat, blankets, nursery all ready for her arrival. I still don't quite know what my focal point will be but I'm sure I'll just find one once I'm in labor... I've had some strong contractions that are dilating my cervix but no active labor yet. To be honest I still have some fear about labor but with much personal coaching I do feel like I'm able to redirect my thoughts to Joy and Peace, thinking about how at the end of this, I'll have a crying baby. Oh, to hear her tiny voice crying out in perfect life. I just can hardly wait. Doug smiles so much everytime he thinks about how close we are to having our dream come true. We are so ready to have a baby in the house. Not sure if the dog is ready. Last night I was having pretty strong contractions and Doug was tending to me and the dog could barely stand the lack of attention to him. He'll be ok. So, make haste baby girl. Follow the tunnel, you'll get tired, you'll be squished...but soon you'll be in your parents arms wrapped up in a blanket and recieve so many kisses you will think that we're the aliens. :) I love you and can't wait to see your beautiful face.