So I'm really bad at updating this blog. But for an update. Our daughter was born on Christmas Morning 2008 at 2:39am. What a beautiful gift she is. Her birth happened as follows:
This labor and delivery was so different than the twins'. In my 3rd trimester watched a lot of home birth videos. I studied their breathing and calming techniques and their postitions. I was so confident and ready to do it all naturale this time. I had 2 false alarms the week and a half before the real thing. I was dilated to a 2 for that period of time too. Then on Christmas Eve I had a terrible back ache, I just kept hot packing it from 4pm. . . then at 9pm the contractions started close and strong. I wasn't sure if it was the real thing until I went to the bathroom at 10:00pm and there was a tiny bit of blood. I called the L/D floor and they said come in within the hour. I waited as long as I could... we went on a walk with the dog and I labored and moaned calmly with my husband holding onto me. Or me onto him mostly. There were Christmas light up on the block and no cars out. It was so quiet and cool outside. It felt good to breathe through the contrations outside. Around 11:40pm my contraction was REALLY hard and long. So we decided to go to the hospital and after packin up the car, we got there around 11:50. They took about an hour for the admission questions and then the nurses left us pretty much alone with our ipod and birthing ball. I got in the whirlpool a little after 1am. I was only a 3 at that point and after 30 minutes in the tub I got out and labored relaxed in the bed, and all of a sudden felt like I HAD to push. This was so unexpected so Doug went for the nurse and she checked me in the middle of a contraction and I was a 9!!! Problem was, even though I wanted to push they wouldn't let me because there was no doctor! So from 1:50 to 2:15am I held her in, with no drugs or epidural. This was the worst part. I was moving my legs like I was swimming and sweating perfusely trying NOT to push. It was aweful. Then in walked the doc at 2:15am and I pushed for 15 minutes or so. The heart rate decellerated from 149 to 50 at one point and they told me that her cord was wrapped around her neck and the next push HAD to be a big one so they could cut it loose. Talk about scary. I got that far, I wasn't going to loose another baby. So I pushed like a crazy woman. Then her head was out. Of course the doctor says look at your babies head...I was like are you kidding me! Get her out and I'll look at her head all you want! And then 2 more and she was out. 5 1/2 hrs and I had a beautiful baby girl. so quick. I had a small tear on the vaginal wall that was stitched up, and a cut on my labia from stretching. Doug said that It looked like I was turning inside out during the pushing. Glad I didn't see that p
art. Ouch. She was born at 2:39am. Phew, I had a screaming life filled baby at last. It was surreal. I was crying a tearless cry. I was so exhausted. But at that moment I really wanted 2 little boys at my side to meet her. I wished they were there. But then I was able to let that go and enjoy the life that was on my chest breathing in and out. At 4 am I got in the tub with her and gave her her first bath. It was such a precious time. The labor was more beautiful than I could have imagined. Thank you Lord!
This labor and delivery was so different than the twins'. In my 3rd trimester watched a lot of home birth videos. I studied their breathing and calming techniques and their postitions. I was so confident and ready to do it all naturale this time. I had 2 false alarms the week and a half before the real thing. I was dilated to a 2 for that period of time too. Then on Christmas Eve I had a terrible back ache, I just kept hot packing it from 4pm. . . then at 9pm the contractions started close and strong. I wasn't sure if it was the real thing until I went to the bathroom at 10:00pm and there was a tiny bit of blood. I called the L/D floor and they said come in within the hour. I waited as long as I could... we went on a walk with the dog and I labored and moaned calmly with my husband holding onto me. Or me onto him mostly. There were Christmas light up on the block and no cars out. It was so quiet and cool outside. It felt good to breathe through the contrations outside. Around 11:40pm my contraction was REALLY hard and long. So we decided to go to the hospital and after packin up the car, we got there around 11:50. They took about an hour for the admission questions and then the nurses left us pretty much alone with our ipod and birthing ball. I got in the whirlpool a little after 1am. I was only a 3 at that point and after 30 minutes in the tub I got out and labored relaxed in the bed, and all of a sudden felt like I HAD to push. This was so unexpected so Doug went for the nurse and she checked me in the middle of a contraction and I was a 9!!! Problem was, even though I wanted to push they wouldn't let me because there was no doctor! So from 1:50 to 2:15am I held her in, with no drugs or epidural. This was the worst part. I was moving my legs like I was swimming and sweating perfusely trying NOT to push. It was aweful. Then in walked the doc at 2:15am and I pushed for 15 minutes or so. The heart rate decellerated from 149 to 50 at one point and they told me that her cord was wrapped around her neck and the next push HAD to be a big one so they could cut it loose. Talk about scary. I got that far, I wasn't going to loose another baby. So I pushed like a crazy woman. Then her head was out. Of course the doctor says look at your babies head...I was like are you kidding me! Get her out and I'll look at her head all you want! And then 2 more and she was out. 5 1/2 hrs and I had a beautiful baby girl. so quick. I had a small tear on the vaginal wall that was stitched up, and a cut on my labia from stretching. Doug said that It looked like I was turning inside out during the pushing. Glad I didn't see that p