Dear Jonathan,
You're name rings such a sweet melody to my ears. I love your name. So strong and so big. Tomorrow you will be 2 years in heaven. Not that you know time in heaven but I imagine you've learned a lot since you've arrived there; about Love and peace, about purity and holiness. You, my son, have the best teachers surrouding you. Telling you stories of hope, and you understand because the face of hope is all you know, it's all you've ever known. What an amazing place to celebrate your birthday once again. I wish I could be there with you. To feel the peace that you do, that is worth more than any birthday gift I could ever give you. You have recieved more than I could have ever imagined giving you. On this birthday, I could have given you a toy or a book about Jesus or showered you with many many hugs and kisses but it's nothing like what you are recieving from those around you now. oh the stories you hear.
I want you to know how proud I am of you. I remember the first time I layed my eyes on you, touched your skin, watched you move. I was so proud of you. I remember the love I felt that took my breath away. I remeber how beautiful you were, so perfect. Even then I could see the peace on your face like you were one foot into heaven already.
I can't wait for the day we're together again, more than you know. But mommy is going to live here trying to remember that you are safe and sound in the arms of angels who love you and hopefully tell you stories of your mommy on earth and that she loves you so so so much.
Happy Birthday Jack. Love, Mom
Thinking of you this week with LoVe! Your babies are so beautiful.
Happy Birthday Jack and Eddy:)
I admire your strength Amanda... God is so good! I am sure your babies are just waiting to meet there mommy someday. What a beautiful and peaceful place they are enjoying. Gods Blessings to you, Love Jody
and more crying. What a beautiful letter.
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